I've been proofing a lot of senior sessions lately. Here's a few of my favorites from one of my recent sessions.
Another Senior Sneak Peek
Black Eyed Beauty
Good Friends!
I love this family! They are good friends of our family, and we always have a great time together. They are active in things like hunting, archery, rodeos, fishing, and anything that has to do with camping and bonfires. They also throw a mean beer and pizza party!

All Grown Up
Shooting seniors sometimes means that sometimes my friends call to have their kid's pictures taken. This year it has happened more often and I'm finding myself feeling old. Some of these kids were in gradeschool when I met their parents. It's hard to picture them all grown up and ready to face the world on their own.
Here's one such example. This is Alyssa. I met her mother about six years ago, I think. At that time Alyssa was 11, just four years older than my son is now. She wasn't wearing make-up, or going to school dances, or dating, or driving. Look at her now. Time does sneak up on a person doesn't it!
Drenching the Dress
I finally got my computer back from the computer repairman. I contracted a virus and it took them nearly three weeks to fix it! Ouch! So, I am finally able to share some of the fun portraits from my last trash the dress session. It was awesome!

Q.T. Pie!
New Personal Blog
The Spring Itch

I know you don't really care about this stuff, but if you made it this far I thank you and if you take the time to comment with suggestions... well, I probably owe you a coffee or something.
Thank you for putting up with me!
Sharing a Little Cutie
I've been neglecting my blog, I know. I just haven't felt like I have much interesting to blog about lately. I've cut way back on my business so I can have more time with my family and more time for the other hobbies that I love. There are always pictures I can share of the boys I suppose, but I'm afraid people will get tired of those two gremlins. So, sorry it's been sparse. I'll work on that.
In the meantime, here is a cutie I took pictures of a couple months ago. Isn't she just adorable?
We spent Easter weekend at my parents' house in Oregon. We had a blast just like we always do when we visit my parents. Here's a few pictures from the weekend.
Egg decorating always comes first.
For some reason, all of Levi's eggs came out green. Six colors and they still turned out green. Anyone have an explanation for this phenomenon? Even his fingers turned green. I am glad to report that after three days they returned to their chubby pink little selves.
After the boys got done with their eggs the big kids (meaning my mom, sister, and I) got to work on our cake pops. If you have never made cake pops or really have never even heard of them, check out Bakerella. She invented these sweet little morsels and they are SO FUN to make!
Easter morning, of course, was the big egg hunt. Do you remember being a kid? Waking up at the crack of dawn before everyone else and dressing yourself in a plaid shirt and plaid shorts that don't match? Not having a care in the world what your hair looks like? Just waiting for someone (someone meaning your parents) to wake up so you can go out and find your beautifully decorated eggs that the Easter Bunny has strategically hidden? Oh, the thrill of it all!
What I wouldn't give to go running around the yard just like this again. No one wants to see that though. Trust me. Especially with morning hair and a plaid shirt and plaid shorts that don't match. I cringe just imagining the horrid sight. Somehow though, it's adorable on my boy. Dude, what's with the tongue?
Getting warmer. Oooo you're smokin' hot! Ha ha ha
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter like we did.