The Older The Better

The truck that is! I think my boys should stay little awhile longer because as far as I'm concerned, older is not better in that department. Anyway, nothing really special here. Just thought I would share a couple fun ones since I haven't posted for over a week. I wish there wouldn't have been so much snow. I would have loved to have them sit on the bumper too. I love old trucks. If you know of anyone that has one or have seen one somewhere please let me know. I would LOVE to find one in a field somewhere.


Anonymous said...

I love levi's little sweater! Gosh, they are just little people...haha.-Tiffani

Josi said...

So great!! Maybe next summer we can go for a drive in the back roads of Hermiston and find lots and lots of old trucks. It wouldn't be hard there, that's for sure.

Judy said...

Great pictures!!! LOVE that old truck, and the boys are adorable!!