Daddy's "Helpers"

I can't believe what a gorgeous weekend we had! Sunny and hot... finally! The boys LOVED it! Casey washed the trucks which was a wonderful opportunity for the boys to get soapy and wet. 2-year-olds can be so helpful. ;o)


Tabitha said...

great pics Amber, looks like they had a blast!

Judy said...

What a fun, warm, sunny day!!! We are long overdue, aren't we? Love the action pictures of the boys and splashing water!!

Wendy said...

Amber! your scrapbook pages must be the best in the world, what with your killer combination of great photography and mad skillz in the scrapbooking department. I love the 3rd shot, where you can see the splashing in action...and the look on your son's face is priceless :)