Mother's Day Photo Fieldtrip

For Mother's Day we all went down to the hoppin' town of Lewiston to do some shopping and have lunch at IHOP. Yummy! I picked up a new rug at Home Depot, which I love, and we visited a few other stores. The boys were pretty good and the weather wasn't too bad.

On our way back to Moscow I asked my husband to drive some of the back roads so I could take some pictures so we cut off at Genessee and took to the gravel. That was so nice of my husband.

Here are a couple shots I got.


Karen Tews Lien said...

These shots are beautiful! Can't wait to go on the photo field trip with you and Shawna!

Josi said...

Oh how beautiful Amber!! Well done.

Anonymous said...

Oh, see, that's why I live here! I love the back roads around puuurrty

Judy said...

Wow, the Palouse really is beautiful---these pictures are amazing!!!