We have returned and we are all in one piece... refreshed and ready to go on with our daily lives. It was sure hard to leave the mountains though. The one thing that really drew me back was the thought of a nice, long, warm, heavenly shower. Ahhhhh...

Here's the camp. Seven people and four tents. The nights weren't to cold which was a blessing. Poor Penny. Levi evidentally thought she would make a nice fish.

Here's my Aunt lounging by the campfire. I can tell she's thinking about chopping wood.

We went 4-wheeling a lot. Here's one of the fun trails we were on. Can you believe there were still patches of snow? Don't worry, I will spare you the fearful sight. I really don't want to scare anyone off... you know who you are Judy!

One of the BEST things about camping is the camp food. YUMMMMMMY! My mom made us this oh so yummy meal on our last morning there. OMG it was d-lish!

Here's one of our fearless protectors. He made sure those squirrels kept their distance and didn't attack us!

And camping would not be camping without roasted marshmallows. We had strawberry marshmallows. Have you had them? YUM-O!

Are you sure that's roasted enough? I like mine brown all over.

I guess it's done!

Gooey sticky messiness. Perfect!

Levi never really got around to ever putting his in the fire. I guess whatever works for ya kid.

On Saturday we went to Dismall Lake. It was gorgeous!

Before I could even get my camera out of my case Levi had decided to fall into the water. So, while his clothes were set out to dry he traded them in for this very stylish Sears flannel. I think he liked it more than his regular clothes. We put some pop-tabs on the end of his line so he could practice fishing. If you've ever tried to fish with a 2 1/2 year old you can understand why we went with this method. He loved it!

Here's Casey and CJ fishing off of a log. Nothing was caught. The fish just weren't interested in eating. Personally, I think the stench from seven people camping 4 days in a row probably drove them all away.

The stench didn't bother the frogs. CJ caught a couple of them. Aren't they cute?

After the lack of luck at the lake we took a ride up a very steep mountain road to the top where we could see everything around us. It was AMAZING! Here's my husband drooling over the Mallard Larkins. He wants to take a week and hike in there. Can you see the snow?

When we go camping we give each of the boys a special whistle so we know where they're at. We play games with Levi saying "Where's Levi?" and he blows his whistle. When going camping with children this is a MUST!
Look how dirty he is? I tried to wash him up the first couple days but it's useless.

And I'll end this post with a couple other scenery photos. Just in case you didn't get enough. =o) It was a fun trip, but I'm glad to be home. Can't wait to do it again though!

Oh how fun! You must be such a good mom! And the photos are simply incredible. :) -Michelle
yeah!! finally pictures. I have been cyber pacing since you got home on Sunday and here it is Wednesday and I'm FINALLY seeing pictures. Looks like so much fun and I'm so bummed I missed it. I'm going to start saving now so I can afford the gas next summer to go. So, just let me know when we're going next summer, k?
Love the whistle idea. You're such a good mom.
What great photos. Where is this? I love the photos of the boys roasting marshmallows...strawberry huh? sounds good!
Karen, we camped near Avery on the North Fork of the Clearwater River. Yes, very yummy! They taste like a strawberry milkshake. Add them to s'mores and you've got a chocolate strawberry milkshake. YUM-O!
Oh, Amber...these pictures are incredibled (I think I always say that, because any picture on your site is always incredible!!!) :0) It looks like you guys had a fabulous vacation...I love your "dialogue" that goes along with the pictures, I feel like I was there!!! (And, YES, a picture of the snow would have been veeerrryyyy scary!!!!) :0)
Your photos are really good.
This is great info to know.
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