I Love My Stylist!

Can I just tell you how great I think my stylist is? I sooo look forward to my appointments. Not many people can take my natural hair and make it look good. It's naturally curly which along with that comes frizzy. My natural color is sooooooo boring. Misty really spices things up and helps me express myself the way I want to. I'm not afraid to do fun things with my hair anymore (well, I'd love to do some fun pink, but I do work in a semi-professional office so can't get TOO wild... yet). I trust her judgement and she knows what I like. It's a great relationship. I love how she styles my hair too. I can never do it the same as she does so I had my husband take some pictures of me so I could study how she did it.
I go to Misty at Essence Salon in Moscow, 208-882-1065. She's usually booked at least a month in advance so if you want an appointment for a color and cut plan for a long wait.


Karen Tews Lien said...

Love these photos of you! Did you take them with your tripod? We still need to get together with SK and take photos of each other. Your hair looks great!


Josi said...

I love your hair. I need to get those pesky last lbs off so I can make an appointment with Misty. And Bonus, I get to come visit you.

Anonymous said...

Lovin your hair!! Looks great.