A Bit of Frosting

How in the world do kids get THIS messy with just a tiny bit of frosting? This is the result from HALF of a donut in a toddler's hands. I don't know how it's possible that there is any left on the donut. He sure is having fun though isn't he?

Here's a picture of the boys watching the snow fall from the windowsill in the livingroom. We haven't had any snow lately. Let's hope we don't get any more. Easter is right around the corner and I really don't want the boys to have to dig their easter eggs out of the snow in the front yard this year.


Josi said...

Wow he sure knows how to make a mess. Loving the brothers picture. It really shows how excited they were.

Karen Tews Lien said...

Oh how I remember those days...raising boys is so much fun!

Shelley said...

BOY OH BOY! That's a cute messy face.