Snow Day! - Are you kidding me?

Someone above decided to pull an early April Fools prank on us last night. We woke up to about 4 inches of SNOW! Un-be-lievable! It's March 27th and spring has started. Flowers are starting to come out and we get blasted with nasty snow and cold wind. To top it off, Moscow declared this a snow day. I feel most sorry for my mother who is visiting from Hawaii. Welcome to Moscow Mom! =o) So glad you are here!

I took a few pictures around Moscow on my way to work this morning. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Josi said...

Hey!! It's SPRING!!! Someone messed with Mother Nature's calendar or something. Maybe the daylight savings time messed her up as badly as it did everyone else???
Great pics Am. And tell mom to bundle up, she can't go back to Hawaii just yet.