Just Yesterday

*** Happy Birthday Levi! ***

There are two things in my life that, along with God and my husband, I am most proud of creating. They are perfect. The youngest of these two masterpieces is turning two years old today. Some days two years seems like such a long time and some days it seems like it was just yesterday. Today is one when it seems like yesterday.

Poor Levi is sick today, on his birthday. I feel so bad for him. Birthdays aren't supposed to be spent with runny noses and fevers. Regardless, we are still having a small party with just the family. Good thing he's too young to know any different.

So, happy birthday to my baby. Here's a collage to commemorate "just yesterday."


Judy said...

Let me tell you, from experience, these precious years DO fly by way too quickly!!! Cherish every single minute---even the "not so great" ones!! :0) I love your photo collage!!

Shawna said...

Happy Birthday Levi!

Anonymous said...

Zander got grommets/tubes the day before his 2nd birthday. I can't believe our babies are 2

Josi said...

Sorry he was sickie. I can't believe he's two already too. Happy Birthday Weevi!!!

Karen Tews Lien said...

Happy Birthday to Levi. You are such a great Mom! Your family is so blessed with all of the amazing photos you take!!

Tabitha said...

wow I can't believe he is 2 time flies!!

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! Happy Birthday,Levi!!! Time went by much too fast, didn't it? :)