I went to visit the parents this weekend. They were having a BBQ for my sister and two cousins to celebrate the completion of the 1st two years of pharmacy school, a masterd degree, and a birthday. Congrats everyone!
As you may know, it was HOT this weekend. The first really hot weekend we've had this summer. The food was great and the company is always wonderful when the family gets together. Not to mention the abundance of adult-style beverages. Even some old friends made it. Did I mention it was HOT?
Well, the kids... okay, just mine... started bugging Grandpa about putting out the slip n' slide and he wasn't talking about the little kiddie one either. This slip n' slide is the mongo supreme burritos of slip n' slides. There's no weight limit patch, in other words. It's a 10ft x 100ft sheet of clear plastic sheeting with a spray hose running alongside of it. My parents' yard is perfect for this thing with its gentle sloping hillside. The plastic doesn't reach quite to the end so when you get to the bottom you hit a nice green collection of water on top of grass mixed with mud. There is even a stone wall obstacle if you make it past that! Now doesn't that sound fun? Don't worry, the stone wall has yet to cause any injuries, though people have tried.
Onto the pictures. Many races have been won and lost here. Don't ask me to remember who won this one.
Here are the three men in my life. Half of Levi's 101 trips down this thing were with his eyes closed! CJ's face was stuck like this on just about every 501 trips HE took.
Someone must have told him about the brick wall at the end. Fear not, he was never really in any danger. He weighs 30 pounds. We had to push him to make it to the end of the plastic.

His mom makes this face alot. Right now she's thinking 'I do?' Yes... you do! I think this kid was a party crasher there for the beer, but we let him stay because his cheeks jiggled when he walked.
Really? I do? LOVE the pictures. I was trying to explain to my babysitter the size of the slip and slide yesterday and I didn't have any that really reflected it but just the 1/3 of it she saw with Luke on it she was impressed. Love the pic of Dad and Phil racing.
Now, that is a SLIP N' SLIDE!!!! Wow, I'm impressed. The pictures are priceless---were you on your stomach clicking away as they came down??? And, that little "party crasher" is adorable...I would have let him stay, too!!!
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