Yesterday I turned 32. I'm not scared to admit either. Nowdays they all run together. For my birthday present I asked Casey to send me to the Paper Pals scrapbooking retreat, so I was up at the Palouse Lodge again for that. It was so nice to scrapbook all weekend without interruptions. Not to mention, my friends and all the other nice ladies that were there. I treasure my scrapbooking time. Especially since I don't get much of it anymore.
When I got home there was a birthday cake sitting on the counter that my husband and sons had made for me. It was the best cake I've ever had on my birthday. I LOVED it! Casey said he had tried to get the boys to spell "Happy Birthday" on the top with M&Ms, but obviously, with a 2 1/2 year old and a six year old that's nearly impossible. So, he gave up. Isn't this the best cake EVER?!
Also, CJ, being the thoughtful boy he is caught me a live butterfly and a grasshopper for my birthday. What would I do without my boys? I love them so much! The joy they bring to my life is immeasurable. I am one LUCKY gal!
It was great meeting you this weekend! Again, Happy Birthday and thanks for all the scraps. :)
Happy birthday :) Love the 30's
So glad to have you share your birthday with us at the retreat! It was so much fun. And are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!
Your cake and story got me a little teary eyed. Happy Birthday and love you!
Happy Birthday Amber! Sounds like a fun time!
We are birthday buddies, mine is the 27th. No wonder I like you so much! :-)
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